
Offers in the summer holidays Week 33-34

By 06/08/2023 November 26th, 2024 No Comments

Offers in the summer holidays Week 33-34

When booking a camping offer online, the discount will be deducted – if we send the confirmation afterwards. It does not appear in the online order.  Enter in the subject field “Offers

Summer holidays offers at campsite Week 33-34

7 days from d.10.08 bis 24.08.2025:
2 adults & 2 children in their own caravan | 7 nights | DKK 1.895,-  excl. electricity
2 adults & 1 child in their own caravan | 7 nights | DKK 1.545,   excl. electricity
2 adults in their own caravan | 7 nights | DKK 1.195,- excl. electricity

*Electricity pr. day DKK 45,-
**Extra pers. pr. day,  Adult Kr. 90, -, Young (12-13years) Kr. 70, -, Children (2-11years) Kr. 50, – Dog Kr. 10 –

When booking a camping offer online, the discount is deducted – when we send the confirmation afterwards.
It does not appear in the online order. *Enter in the subject field “Offers”